Friday, February 9, 2024

Maternal Health & Wellness Retreats

Maternal health rankings in Louisiana are among the lowest in the nation; more Louisiana moms & babies die during childbirth then 45 other states. Recharge! Refresh! Refuel! Wellness Retreat: A Day of Loving on Moms & R.E.D! Wellness Retreat: Rejuvenating Evening of Development were created to improve maternal health statistics in Acadiana. During our 2023 retreat, there were several objectives that we hoped to fulfill during the retreat. By collaborating with community partners and using research-based strategies, the retreat was able to meet our objectives. Participants left with a wealth of resources and a community that can provide them with support in their maternal health journey. We introduced the concepts of “doulas”, and “postpartum navigators” highlighted their importance in maternal health. Our doulas & postpartum navigator spoke to attendees about the importance of timely prenatal visits, weighing options when facing a C-section, and the importance of postpartum care for moms and babies. Using an 18-foot long charcutier board, we demonstrated how mothers can improve their nutrition by “eating the rainbow” and taught the nutritional and medicinal value of the wide assortment of food options.

Registration for our 2024 Maternal Health & Wellness Retreats

Recharge! Refresh! Refuel! Wellness Retreat: A Day of Loving on Moms' Registration Monday, May 13, 2024, 10am to 2pm Delta Grand Opelousas. The first 100 ladies to register receive a swag bag so register today!
R.E.D! Wellness Retreat: Rejuvenating Evening of Development sponsored by Louisiana Healthcare Connections is Monday, May 13, 2024, 7pm Delta Grand Opelousas and is focused on maternal health. The first 50 ladies to register receive a swag bag so register today!
FMI call Family Strong Foundation at 337-381-3366 or 337-290-3723